Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nagging me...

OK, So I have a task on my Outlook telling me I am way overdue for posting on Kenzi's Blog. But I have to say with only having one car that works I am tied to the house a lot more which seems to not have as much photo ops. However, living with Kenzi gives me plenty of story opportunities so I will share one with you right now...

As most of you know Kenzi is potty training and has been for a while. I was talking with my sister-in-law about a month ago and she shared with me what happened at her youngest's three year well visit. So after talking to Carter we decided we would try what her doctor recommended and see what happens. Really what do I have to lose. Nothing! So what we did was put panties on her 24/7. Even at night. And within a week she was not wetting her bed. Still having problems during the day but not wetting her bed. Well, then my mom comes for a visit and leaves way before any of us were ready for her too and Carter had his Kidney Stone procedure and Kenzi goes back to peeing and pooping in bed and her pants and even fights me on using the toilet. She seemed to do it for everyone else but me. This Thursday it will have been 5 weeks of no more diapers/pull ups. Well, I had gotten to my tolerance level on Friday when she pooped in her pants for the 2nd time that day. Carter had to clean it up! Sorry honey! I went scrapbooking with some friends on Saturday and a woman I met said that her grand daughter had the same problem and told me what she did.

So I talked with Carter again and we decided, what do we have to lose and on Monday... she ran around commando. The first time she pooped on the back of the couch because she was standing on the couch. This disturbed her terribly. We got her cleaned up and she tried to help clean it up only making a bigger mess. The second time she had to go to the bathroom she started crying and saying she need her panties. I had her sit on the potty and she went pee and poo. So I figure out that she really thinks that her panties are just as good as a diaper. And really she is OK with sitting in her own filth, but watching it hit the couch and floor are not acceptable to her. And anyway, I promise this is coming to an end, yesterday we did that same thing and she did not have any accidents on the floor. However, I got her dressed to leave the house and she poops in her underpants almost immediately. So apparently she was holding it. Well, unfortunately, I am not proud of this, I got mad. I let out a scream as I walked away from her and paced. I then exclaimed to her that mommy was upset because she did not tell mommy and daddy that she had to go potty and of course we were trying to get out the door. So when we got back last might back to being commando. Today I did not get her dressed until we walked out the front door. She did great while we were out. When we got home and I was unloading the car I came back in and told her to sit in her chair while she eats her lunch and she told me that she just went potty. From the way her shorts were bunched up, I could tell that she was telling the truth! I got so happy and gave her a big hug and told her that she did such a great job and I knew she could do it! Then she took off her shorts and panties and is going commando again! I love my little girl and while I know it is not good to get angry with her, I did take the time to explain to her why I was upset and that I still love her. In the mean time I will take this success. Let's hope there will be many more to come! Please keep us in your prayers and your fingers crossed! Kari


Dave said...

I'm not sitting on your couch!

Lois Lane said...

Yea, becuz I did not clean it up and really I do not intend to. ;0)

Becky said...

The pooping on the couch thing is hilarious. All I have to say is that is why leather furniture was created. It wipes up so well. I think it is funny that she was so upset about it but going in her underwear was totally fine. I guess I will have my turn with potty training soon enough.