Wednesday, August 11, 2010

SoF Week 10

MONDAY - We went swimming twice this week. Kenzi told my friend Sara that she loves her Grammas and swimming just as much as the other. We also went and got Kenzi a new backpack as the one she had had a hole in it. And if you had any question before if she liked Batman... Now there is no need to question. OR if you have ever questioned whether or not she was a girl... No need to question it ether! :0)

TUESDAY - We went to the Dallas Museum of Art with our friends, Shannon, Sam, Jacob, and Aaron. Kenzi was hot and cold all day. But I really enjoyed getting to know our friends better and having a change of scenery. They had children's activities all over the museum.
I asked Kenzi if she could do what the statue was doing to which she told me no because she only has two arms. That is when I said try it.

This is a room made completely out of Cardboard. Kenzi liked it because it felt a lot like a living room. She did not want to leave but there was a long line so we left so other people could enjoy.

This is Kenzi making a puppet of herself. It was hard to get her started but once she did she had a lot of fun. I like the hair we did on the puppet.

Here is Kenzi with our friends, Sam, Aaron, Kenzi, and Jacob.

FRIDAY - So Friday night we attended a surprise couples baby shower for our friends Adam and Tamara. They are expecting their second baby girl. We had a great time and Kenzi had a great time playing upstairs with the other kids. The food was delicious! Congrats Tamara and Adam!

SATURDAY - So Carter has been totally into this Summer of Fun that we are having. In fact he has been to a lot of what we have done. Though he did tell me a couple of posts ago, "You guys a do a lot of fun stuff while I am at work!" Sorry Dig! But Carter had an idea to go Geocaching. If you don't know what that is I can explain, at least I think I can! It has to do with using a GPS to find an object almost anywhere. The one we found was in a greenbelt near Ford. We got the location of the item from a website and found the coordinates with Carter's GPS. Though Carter did most of the work. He was in the trees and crossing a creek. But he found it and Kenzi was excited. Maybe Carter can explain a little better!
Carter in said trees.
Kenzi and I waiting for Carter.
This is Carter's leg covered with burrs. They don't hurt unless you get them your underwear! And they catch on everything, especially hair!
Opening the tube of stuff. Kenzi wanted the egg whistle. We also left a sunglasses holder for the visor of your car. We signed the book stating that we have been "here".
This frog was in the canister. It is part of the fun in that you can take him to another location and it becomes this thing were he travels and you try and find "Frogger". We left as we decided it was fun to do but in the fall when it is colder and we can wear pants!
It was 105 degrees today and we were very hot. But of course we suffer for the family photo of our endeavor!
So Carter also planned to go swimming in our backyard. I needed a nap so Carter and Kenzi swam while I napped. Then we had hot dogs for dinner and Melissa came over to watch Kenzi so Carter and I could go to Stake Conference for church.

So if you have any questions I will direct you to Carter. I am not sure that I explained the geocaching well. But we had a great week! And there is only two more weeks until Kenzi starts Kindergarten! This summer has gone by sooooo fast! Enjoy! Kari

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