Sunday, February 10, 2008

Eagle's Wings Gym

On friday Mackenzie and her friend Abby went to the Eagle's Wings gym here in town. They have open gyn on friday morning where the children can try the gym equipment with parental participation. OF course Mackenzie instantly went for the trampoline and the yellow one is extra bouncy. Not much work required. She also loved running around the whole gym. They had some sort of spring board that ran about the length of the gym. Which was easy to run on! Mackenzie amused my by trying the balance beam, rings, and rope above the foam pit but was not interested in trying those things again. Though she had no problem playing in the foam pit she just did not want to have to swing on the rope to get in it. Mommy had to throw her in! It was fun to watch her have such a great time. And needless to say she got good sleep that night! Later, Kari

1 comment:

Keri and Neal said...

The last picture of Kenzie curled up in the big O is so sweet! What a great time together.