Thursday, March 5, 2009

One Month in the life of "Mackenzie and Co"...

So as to not have to do multiple posts to feel like I am not a complete slacker, (I have been so out of touch it is ridiculous!) I decided to do One month in the life of Mackenzie and Co. So here it goes...

We had storm threat in our area. It was threatening to have golf ball sized hail. So I got home after hearing the city alarm for the first time since we have moved to Texas and Carter tells me that we should try and get both cars in the garage. I am totally up for the challenge and we start frantically moving things out of the way to hopefully get the cars in. Well the picture is proof that we got them both in, however we did have to do a "Duke's of Hazard" exit from the cars. And of course we did not get hail, but it was a fun adventure any way. And now we know that we can totally get our cars in our garage!
For preschool I got to do Valentine's Day with the kids. They made cards and sent them at the post office. Then we had lunch at the park. They seemed to really like the whole thing. They were really cute too. But how can these kids not be right?
On the Friday before Valentine's Day Kenzi and I went to Carter's work for lunch and brought what Carter called "Sixburgh" cookies. He was happy to pass them around the office since the Steelers just won the Superbowl! They also are now the leaders for the most Superbowl wins, I think. My football friends will correct me. But I know for sure that the Steelers and the Cowboys were tied at 5 and the Steeleres are now ahead of the Cowboys. Which just made it extra special for Carter since he works with a LOT of Cowboy fans! Of course Kenzi got a lot of attention from Carter's team and co-workers.
We had a "We Love Shanette" party. Shanette is our babysitter and we love her as though she is our own. So we had a party with her and a few of her friends where we had pizza, played wii and watched a movie. Kenzi loved having all of the teenagers over and they were all great with her. She also loved being up until 11 pm which of course trying to get her up the next morning was a challenge. Good thing the party was on a Friday!
Kenzi tried to become She-Hulk! She has started getting into things lately and acrylic paint that I had on her dresser (to decorate her wall) was one of them. She pretty much got it everywhere. I am only showing the picture of her hands, but she got in on her bum, the floor, toy box, door to her room, bathroom, vanity, and bedspread. What can I say she is thorough!
So that about sums up a month in the life of Kenzi and her friends! I will be posting a few events by them selves as they are a little more eventful. But hope you enjoyed this and feel free to tell me I am nuts for thinking I have to keep everybody aware of almost every moment. Though I have to say it is fun to share! Later, Kari.

1 comment:

Keri and Neal said...

Impressive parking job! I wish I could see all the shots of her "Baby Hulk" moment, as Kenzie put it.