Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gram Mac brings life to us...

While Gram Mac was visiting we went to a Nursery and picked out some flowers. It took me about ten years to realize that Gram Mac always bring life into our lives. And for that I am EXTREMELY grateful. Whenever we have stayed at her home she has always had a vase of flowers in our room. And whenever she comes to visit she buys flowers for my table and my home. It was such a great experience for Kenzi to help Gram Mac plant what we bought. Kenzi is so proud of her flowers and tells anyone who listens that she has pink and purple flowers. Thank you Gram Mac for loving us so much and helping to make memories with Kenzi. She knows and loves you so very much! Kari

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Next time she comes, send her to my house!! :-)