Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Father's Day... a little Late!

OK, so I had this grandiose plan of having Kenzi sing a Grampa song and posting it for Father's day. Little did I know, there is not a Grampa song in the primary library! So I thought I would have her change the one word of the Gramma song to Grampa. We practiced a handful of times and she could not change gramma to grampa. I then thought well she can sing a Dad song and I would post that. Well as you can tell from the lack of post I was not able to get her to know the song well enough and get us packed up for our trip. Given all of that... Cal, Dad, Mike, Grampa Emmett, Gramps and Carter... Kenzi and I hope that you know how very important you are and were to us! We appreciate the love and support that you constantly give us. We appreciate the examples you were/are of being good men. Thank you for the fun and love that you give to us! You ROCK!

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