Monday, June 1, 2009

Kenzi & Family go A-Kon...

OK, so my cousin Andrea and her family came to Dallas to go to the Anime Convention. Anime is basically Japanese cartoons. The Kon was interesting! This is my cousin and her husband, Daniel.

Kenzi got a sleeping dog hat. A funny side note is that we went somewhere today and she was wearing the hat. There was a dog there that started barking non-stop while it was on her head and then stopped the moment I took it off her head. As we were leaving I put it back on her head and the dog went nuts again. It was very amusing!

Daddy carrying Kenzi up high so she can see everything. It is much easier to carry her this way instead of in your arms given that she is now 42 #s! And Carter got about a dozen comments on his Pens jersey. He was feeling good about himself! Hopefully it translates to the Pens winning! Go PENS!

And just a taste of the costumes that we saw while at A-Kon! I did have a moment of appreciation that my husband is not into anything as much as some of the people we saw! You are HAWT babe!

On Sunday my cousin and her family came for dinner and stayed the night. It was nice to have them over and visit. Before I forget, Congrats on your newest addition to your family. Make sure and give us an address change when you move. Love ya! Enjoy! Kari

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