Thursday, May 22, 2008

Impromptu water party!!

So my friend Carly & I have worked out swapping babysitting on Tuesdays and Thursdays to give each of us moms some time to maybe get things done. Today, Kenzi's friend Abby was able to come and play as well as Sophie. They had such a great time in the pool. And really what started this whole thing is Kenzi got a Sprinkler Elmo (Thank you Maleah!) and was busting at the seams to use it. So I told her she could use it when her friends came over. Needless to say she woke up and instantly wanted to put on her swimsuit, the one with the flowers! And as you can tell by the few pictures they had a great time. The picture of Kenzi is right after she slipped and went completely under water! She was so proud of herself! Thank you to her friends who help Kenzi to learn how to share and have a good time!! (There Keri, sorry it was not right after you all left!! ;0) ) Later, Kari!


Becky said...

Oh, how it would be to be young again and run through the sprinklers. Is there anything better? Looks like they had tons of fun. It makes me want to get a sprinkler and do the same. Of course, I won't. At least not where anyone would be able to see.

Liz said...

Ben needs a boy to hang out with. All these girls...I'll see what I can do!!

Blacker Blog said...

Looks like fun! Who's the little girl sporting the cleavage?!?!?