Monday, September 1, 2008

Calling all friends...

I am not trying to preempt Carter's post, especially since I have been pestering Carter to post the ride home. So please, take a moment and look and even feel free to leave a comment!

I am in need of some friends though... I have Amish Friendship Bread starters that need a home. I have three so please let me know if you are willing to give it a try, I don't think you will be disappointed. Thank you in advance! Kari


Dave said...

What is it?
It would be fun for the kids to learn something new.

Becky said...

I would love another starter but it is kind of cost prohibitive to send it to Geneva. I will just have to start it here myself. But not until I get a real place with an adequate kitchen.
I totally love the new look of your blog btw. It is awesome!

Rebecca Kline said...

Just make all the starters that you are suposed to give away into breads and freeze them. Forget Friends - eat all the yummy bread yourself. :-) I have a recepie for starting it yourself if you ever feel so inclined. Sometimes I just get a hankering for Amish bread.