Monday, May 31, 2010

Kenzi's new endeavor...

So much to Carter's disappointment (only because Kenzi does not want to play hockey anymore), Kenzi has decided that she wanted to try gymnastics. So we had her try a class and see how it went to know if we were willing to have her keep going. She actually did really good! She paid attention and followed directions She is doing things like somersaults, beginning of cartwheels, balance beam, rings, trampoline, and bar. Who knew that they could start those things so young! Kenzi is absolutely loving it. Last week she came to put her shoes on after her class and asked "When do I get to do gymnastics again?" We currently have her in once a week so the poor girl has to wait a week. But it is great to know that she is liking it.

Kenzi sliding, not sure what this is useful for but she loved it the same.

Kenzi trying to do a back bend.

Kenzi doing a somersault.

Kenzi learning how to do a cartwheel. Or at least learning the foundation move.

Kenzi walking on the balance beam.

She absolutely loves it and I look forward to it teaching her discipline, balance and stamina. Go Kenzi! Enjoy! Kari

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Why doesn't Carter want her in gymnastics?