Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back home

OK, so Citi sent me to Las Vegas for a week for some exciting meetings. Here was the view from my room, I know that there are many of you that are dying for this:

Not a lot of free time to be had, but I did manage to make it to the Hilton to see the Star Trek Experience one more time.

They are closing it down the year, not totally surprising since it cost more then it should to go, and let's face it, there has not been a show on the air in the last few years. (And yes Dave, I know they are making a movie, but that doesn't help today.)

Anyway, it was fun. I got to see a lot of stuff that would only be of interest to other Trek fans, like Worf and Dax's wedding clothes:

Or Odo's bucket:

So I got back home on Friday, and have spend the weekend primarily resting and trying to get ready for the week. We had good day on Saturday, went to Lowes and got some new lights we are going to put up in the bedroom, went to BJ's for an early dinner that was great, went to World Market and picked up a wok that I used to cook stir fry tonight and went to Kari's favorite store ever, the Container Store. But, the best thing that I did this weekend was about the kid, hence the reason for the post. So we spent time Saturday morning hanging out, Kari went off for some girls time with her friends to see Mama Mia, (glad I dodged that bullet) and we decided to play some Playstation. Now Mackenzie really likes it when we play video games, but her favorite is Guitar Hero. Not that she is really playing, but as long as she has a controller that is plugged in, she is happy. Her favorite song is Black Sabbath's "Iron Man", but she was also grooving to Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water." Anyway, this weekend I taught her how to "throw the goat" after we were done rocking. So, here is your moment of Zen, my daughter rocking out: (Notice the tongue as well, I think it completes the picture quite nicely...)

1 comment:

Liz said...

That picture is priceless!!! I love it!!!