Thursday, July 17, 2008

We have success...

Well today Kenzi told me that she needed to poop. "You stay here mommy." "OK, but tell me when you are done so we can make sure you are clean." And what do you know she went and it was a happy day in the Kenzi & Co household! We even had to talk to daddy and call Gramma B. at work! Maybe she will get it yet! And yes I know that you were dying to hear about my kid's poop! There you go mom! Love ya, Kari


Crystal said...

Congrats!! I take it she went comando again today? I'm glad you had a success today.

Lois Lane said...

Yep, she was commando again today. If it helps her to remeber than I am good with that. And she does not have a problem when we are out. So let's keep hopeing it keeps going that way! Thanks!

Kristie K. said...


We are so proud of her. Hope to be there soon!