Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My favorite dance!

OK So my friend put on her blog her favorite dance from So You Think You Can Dance. So I wanted to. While I agree that the one Crystal put on her blog was great I thought this one was better. I got goosebumps watching it! Watch from 2:45-4:45. Enjoy! Kari


Crystal said...

This was great, but where is the sexy "junk-in-the trunk"? Hello!! j/k :-)

Tamara said...

I totally agree, Kari. That dance was off the hook! I had to watch it over and over.

We need to get all of us SYTYCD addicts together and have a watching party!

Keri and Neal said...

My husband thinks I'm hot when I whip around my hair like that too. My calendar was full...that's the only reason I'm not competing in So You Think You Can Dance this season.